Saturday, August 04, 2012


"Utilize the "law of momentum" which states that, "A body at rest tends to remain at rest while a body in motion tends to remain in motion". In short, get into motion! Remember, moods are a product of the "mind". Train yourself and your body to "get started" even if you're not in the mood. 

When you act in spite of your mood, you are choosing to manage and control your mind instead of letting it control you! So the next time you're not feeling "in the mood", either change your thinking or simply say to your mind, "thank you for sharing". Then focus on only taking the very first step to get started, then take another, and another. One step at a time until the law of momentum kicks in. By then, chances are you'll forget all about not being "in the mood", and will be well on your way to completing whatever it was you needed to do...and feeling great about it!" 
T. Harv Eker