Monday, October 03, 2005

Since Today is the Start of the Jewish New Year and since Apples are a central part of the ritual of the observance, I though the following would be appropriate to sharre:
APPLE: (Kabbalah explanation)
"Kaballah,among other mystical aspects, is a study of the numerology of the Hebrew alphabet. ( each letter has a corresponding number) The tetragammen or the four letters of the name of G-d in the Hebrew language is Yud Hey Vov Hey...Hey is equivalent to According to Kaballah G-d's signature is in the apple and the apple has special significance to the health and welfare of life.
"When you cut apple in half, so that you are cutting through it horizontally that is separating the top portion that has the stem from the bottom portion where the little flower is. You observe the following in every apple:
There is exactly 5 seeds in each apple
The seeds are surrounded by 10 dots
The flower on the bottom of the apple has five little petals
The stem exactly resembles the shape of the Hebrew letter Vav
This is the case for every single apple no matter what type brand or where it originates from
The signature of G-d's name or the tetragammen then according to kabbalaists is as follows
The stem is the Vov, ( which means hook in Hebrew like sheparads hook_
The five seeds the first letter Hey
The 10 dots surrounding the core the letter Yod
The five petals to the flower on the bottom the second letter Hey