Confidence... thrives only on honesty, on honor, on the sacredness of obligations, on faithful protection and on unselfish performance. Without them, it cannot live." - Franklin Roosevelt
Thoughts, Sayings, Aphorisms, Things that may be of Interest...... Initially e-mailed daily ONLY to my daughter Rachael and my son Andrew. Then also to select others requesting to be included.
SPECIAL TFTD ( In Memory of a GREAT man, Author of one of the most important business/lifestyle books of this generation. He passed while living his life to the fullest)RIP -Dr. Stephen R. Covey - passed early Monday 16 June, 2012
Independence or Self-MasteryThe First Three Habits surround moving from dependence to independence (i.e., self mastery):
Habit 1: Be Proactive
Take initiative in life by realizing that your decisions (and how they align with life's principles) are the primary determining factor for effectiveness in your life. Take responsibility for your choices and the subsequent consequences that follow.
Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind
Self-discover and clarify your deeply important character values and life goals. Envision the ideal characteristics for each of your various roles and relationships in life.
Habit 3: Put First Things First
Prioritize, plan, and execute your week's tasks based on importance rather than urgency. Evaluate whether your efforts exemplify your desired character values, propel you toward goals, and enrich the roles and relationships that were elaborated in Habit 2.
[edit] InterdependenceThe next three have to do with Interdependence (i.e., working with others):
Habit 4: Think Win-Win
Genuinely strive for mutually beneficial solutions or agreements in your relationships. Value and respect people by understanding a "win" for all is ultimately a better long-term resolution than if only one person in the situation had gotten his way.
Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, Then to be Understood
Use empathic listening to be genuinely influenced by a person, which compels them to reciprocate the listening and take an open mind to being influenced by you. This creates an atmosphere of caring, respect, and positive problem solving.
Habit 6: Synergize
Combine the strengths of people through positive teamwork, so as to achieve goals no one person could have done alone. Get the best performance out of a group of people through encouraging meaningful contribution, and modeling inspirational and supportive leadership.
[edit] Self RenewalThe Last habit relates to self-rejuvenation:
Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw
Balance and renew your resources, energy, and health to create a sustainable, long-term, effective lifestyle. It primarily emphasizes on exercise for physical renewal, prayer (mediation, yoga, etc.) and good reading for mental renewal. It also mentions service to the society for spiritual renewal.
Posted By Sanford Mahr to Thought For The Day TFTD at 7/16/2012 01:04:00 PM
" I see some of my previous losses the way I hope Andy Murray sees it as well, with this Wimbledon victory: That is, it's the beginning of something, not just the end of something. Fortunately I'm very positive in the way I do think and believe and understand the situation. I never stopped believing."
(He weathered the rise of Rafael Nadal, then the rise of Novak Djokovic. He did the superhuman feat of losing to those players and thinking of it as a beginning instead of the beginning of the end, followed the next year by winning Wimbledon.)
Roger Federer on previous losses he had, after winning Wimbledon 2012