Thought For The Day
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Thoughts, Sayings, Aphorisms, Things that may be of Interest...... Initially e-mailed daily ONLY to my daughter Rachael and my son Andrew. Then also to select others requesting to be included.
Each morning sees some task begin, Each evening sees it close; Something attempted, something done, Has earned a night's repose. | |
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow The Village Blacksmith |
"Ultimately, the choice before the American people is the choice between two visions: on the one hand, the policies of limited government, economic growth, a strong defense, and a firm foreign policy; and on the other hand, policies of tax and spend, economic stagnation, international weakness and accommodation, and always, always, from them, 'Blame America first.' It's the choice between the policies of liberalism or the policies of America's political mainstream." —Ronald Reagan
Note: Sourced by Larry Swanson
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